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The Green Energy Choice

Going green is easy when you use propane to minimize your energy usage and reduce your carbon footprint. Clean, efficient propane has long been recognized as a low-carbon, environmentally friendly energy. A safe non-toxic fuel that will not contaminate the ground water or soil, propane is the cleanest fuel-based source of energy available in the Cayman Islands. Propane usage has the added benefit of preserving the air quality since propane emits significantly lower amounts of greenhouse gases and smog-producing hydrocarbons than conventional fuels.

Considering the high-costs of electricity, homeowners and builders today are also turning to propane appliances as a way to make their homes more energy efficient and significantly reduce their power bills. That's why using propane is the smart way to "GO GREEN" and also benefit from the extra value, reliability and versatility of gas appliances.

Cooking with Gas
Professional chefs know gas cook tops and ranges inside a commercial kitchen or the home are an excellent way to prepare food. Because gas burners provide instant heat, and cooks have greater control over the temperatures, they're generally more energy efficient than their electric counterparts.

Many homeowners who cook outdoors use propane grills because they heat faster than charcoal grills and release fewer harm-ful particulate emissions. Plus, cooking out-doors is a great way to keep the heat outside and give both your air-conditioning and your power bill a break.

Tankless Water Heaters
Of course, nothing beats a tankless water heater to heat your water on demand. It only heats the water when it's needed-instantly-so vout home or business will never run out of hot water again. The temperature can be quickly adjusted up or down, to your prefer-ence, so it's always just right.

Direct-vent designed units can be installed closer to fixtures and appliances, saving on water consumption by shortening the distance the hot water has to travel. Their unique ability to start quickly off a battery back-up will keep the hot water flowing even if your power goes out.

Plus, propane tankless water heaters cost about 60 percent less to operate than a standard electric unit. They're also better for the environment, giving off less than one-half the carbon dioxide emissions and reducing standby energy loss up to 20 percent.

Gas Dryers
High efficiency propane clothes dryers dry your clothes more evenly than electric models. In most cases, using propane dryers will save you up to half of what it costs to operate an electric dryer. The moist heat of gas dryers is a more gentle way of drying fabrics and also produces less static cling.

Many gas dryers can sense when clothes are dry, which saves energy and reduces the risk of shrinkage and deterioration of your clothes and linens.

Propane Generators
A big advantage of using a propane generator is that the fuel is cleaner and far less harmful to the environment. Gasoline generators need to be refueled, usually by consumers, and there may be fire hazards involved in refueling and storage. Spilled
gasoline can contaminate the surrounding area, leaving messy stains and odors. Propane gas has an infinite shelf life, unlike gasoline, and a propane generator can still be used even when it has not been powered for some time. An added benefit is that they operate much more quietly.

By offering the right eco-technology to homes and businesses today, Home Gas is doing its part to ensure a sustainable environment and preserve the natural beauty of the Cayman Islands.

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