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St. Ignatius Catholic Church

GRAND CAYMAN:  Holy Eucharist is celebrated daily at St. Ignatius Church on Walkers Road, George Town and on Sundays at Christ the Redeemer Church on Reverend Blackman Road in West Bay.

Eucharistic Adoration takes place daily from 8 am to midnight in the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament off the Sacristy of St. Ignatius Church.

Confessions - Saturdays at St. Ignatius, 5:00-5:45 pm

For information on Baptisms, Marriage, RCIA, or other general enquiries, please visit our website or phone (345) 949-6797.

Other one-off events are published in the Weekly Bulletin distributed at Sunday Masses and also available on our website:

CAYMAN BRAC:  We just celebrated the consecration of Stella Maris Catholic Church on Cayman Brac, which serves our growing Catholic Community on our sister island.  The consecration of the new church took place on Saturday, February 5th, 2011, with Archbishop Allen Vigneron presiding and over 200 persons in attendance. The church is located in Cotton Tree Bay off Alta Vista Drive on the north coast road.

Masses will take place on Sundays at 4:15 pm (when a priest is on island).  When a priest is not available all are welcome to join the local Catholic comunity for a Eucharistic service of prayer and fellowship.  For further information or to confirm times, contact Brother Damian at 948-2271, Tania Drebenstedt at 948-2616 or J.D. Mosely-Matchett at 917-7297.


St. Ignatius School was formed in 1971 and currently serves over 600 students in Nursery to Year 13 (ages 3 to 18).  The school is fully comprehensive, following the British Curriculum and the Cambridge IGCSE examinations.  For further information on curriculum, admissions, fees, and other FAQ, visit our website at or e-mail [email protected]. The school can also be reached by phone on (345) 949-9250.  Office hours are 7:45 am to 4:00 pm daily.

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