The mission of the Cayman Islands Humane Society (the “CIHS”) is to provide shelter; care and attention to all unwanted companion animals; to seek out responsible and loving homes for them; to assist the community in all aspects of animal welfare and responsible pet ownership.
The CIHS exists to help combat the problems of pet over population and animal abuse through the Spay and Neuter Clinic, to provide financial assistance and education within the community.
To adopt a friend for life, the Cayman Islands Humane Society requires the following adoption fee:
These modest fees help to cover the cost of Vaccinations, Treatments and Spay or Neuter so our animals remain healthy
The fact that you're thinking about adopting from an animal shelter means you're a responsible and caring person. But before you make that decision to bring a furry friend into your life, take a moment to think over these questions:
Q: How much does it cost to adopt?
A: $70 for cats & kittens, $90 for dogs & puppies. This modest cost includes vaccinations and treatments, spaying or neutering and a health checkup, as well as Heart Guard PROTECTION
Q: How can I volunteer?
A: If you would like to volunteer, the best thing to do is to contact us by phone or in person. We would be happy to have any help you can provide. For example, you may volunteer at the shelter, help at events or with mobile adoptions or perform home checks. {hyperlink to volunteer pdf}
Q: How old do I need to be to volunteer?
A: people of all ages are welcome to volanteer! but we do ask that children under the age of 13 are accompanied by a parent or gardian over the age of 16.
Q: What do I need to do to adopt a pet?
A: You will need to first pick out your new pet and then you will need to fill out an adoption application form. Once your application has been approved, then you will be asked to read and sign our adoption & sterilization contract. A home check will be performed.
Q: What is a Foster Home?
A: It is a home where a needy animal may temporarily stay, improving his/her chances of being adopted by a loving family.
Q: How can I become a Foster Parent?
A: Just call the Shelter, and our Volunteer Coordinator will provide you with all of the information that you need to become a Foster Parent, or get information here: {hyperlink to membership pdf}
Q: How can I make difference?
A: You can make a difference by being a responsible pet owner, and by becoming a volunteer! We need eyes and ears- let us know if an animal is in trouble, is hurt or abused- you don’t have to give us your name. We want to help!
Q: What is Humane Education?
A: Humane education refers to activities and presentations designed to encourage children to be kind and to respect themselves, their environment and all living things. Humane Education programs are available for your children’s group or school- Call us for more information.
Q: Why should I get my pet spayed or neutered?
A: Sterilization reduces the number of unwanted puppies and kittens. All kittens should be spayed/neutered by the age of 4 months, especially the females who can go into their first heat before they are 5 months old!
Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Q: Will my male dog or cat change after I have him neutered?
A: Contrary to rumor, neutered animals do not lose their protective abilities, but instead you may find them a bit more docile and easier to train. You may want to watch their diet, because some may gain weight after their surgery.
Q: I've heard my female dog or cat needs to have just one litter, and then I’ll have her spayed.
A: No, your female dog or cat does not need to breed just one time. If you have your female animal spayed before her first heat you may be saving your females life from common disease such as breast cancer and reproductive cancers. You may even find that your female is much more affectionate and easier trained.
Q: I can always find good homes for all the litters my dog and cat has.
A: If this were a true statement then animal shelters all over the world would not be filled with millions of unwanted animals that are euthanized every year. Be responsible for your animals. Please spay or neuter!
Q: I have a dog/cat that I can no longer care for, can you take him/her in?
A: You may physically bring your animal to us. After hours, there is a drop off kennel in front of the Shelter, but please provide your leashed dog or cat with water before you leave.
Q: I lost my dog/cat can you help me find it?
A: Please check not only our website photos, but also call to see if any new animals have arrived. Posting a “Lost Pet” ad on Ecay or in the papers is also a good idea.
Q: I found a dog/cat what can I do?
A :If you can safely transport the animal, bringing it in is preferred. Otherwise, call us!
Spay and Neuter
The Spay and Neuter clinic is located at the Humane Society Animal Shelter on North Sound Road, across from A.L. Thompson's.
For appointments or information stop by or call 949 1461. With appointments, owners can bring their pets to the clinic in the morning and pick them up later that day after the surgery is complete- a quick and easy process.
We offer financial assistance to those who cannot afford the procedure, and will also be happy to offer transportation for those that can't get to us- spay & neuter is just that important!
Why should I fix my pet, you may ask? Spaying or neutering a pet is a procedure which removes the s*x-hormone producing apparatus from the male or female.
It is the only positive way to prevent pet overpopulation. The procedure in no way alters your pet's personality, does not make a dog less protective over his home and family, and the myth that your pet will become fat and lazy afterwards is untrue. As well, it is not necessary to breed your animal "just once" beforehand- the lives of cats and dogs of both sexes will be happier if he/she is "fixed" just as soon as he is ready- about 6 months old at the latest.
Along with preventing unwanted pregnancies, spay or neuter reduces the occurance of certain cancers, & animals are less likely to stray from home, so won't get in fights or hit by cars. As a result, vet bills are reduced, & pets live longer, healthier lives.
Play your part as a responsible pet owner and call today.
Cat Cafés
Another success is the creation of Cat Cafes for some of the larger feral colonies. This programme provides attractive feeding stations designed and built by long time member and volunteer Ron Moser. They are located from East End to West Bay, and provide an alternative food source to protect the surrounding small wildlife. But we do need help from the public in identifying where additional trapping can be done to help our forgotten felines, so if you know of an area with many strays, please call us at 949-1461 with the location.
Beach Runs 4 DogsEvery Saturday morning at 10:00am volunteers meet at public beach (by Calico Jacks) with a dog they bring from the animal shelter.
Kenneth Morgan, trainer extraordinaire, teaches volunteers and their dogs the basics in training. This in turn helps the dog transition into their new home when adopted. Training lasts for about an hour (with a beach break) and a dog graduates after 6 to 8 Saturdays or when adopted.
Volunteers are responsible for picking up after their dog and having them under their control (on leash) at all times.
For further information please call the Humane Society at 949-1461
Trap & Release Programme
Our humane Feline Trap and Release programme began in earnest early this year with the arrival of traps donated by Friends of the CIHS. Traps have been set island wide, and to date, hundreds of ferals have been brought in. After a health check and spay, most are returned to their original locations. Others (and quite a few kittens!) make their way to our adoption room. This creates healthy feral non-reproductive communities which serve a purpose by keeping vermin at bay.
A Healing Paw
This new program trains Humane Society dogs to interact with residents from the Pines, Patients of Hospice Care and the Cancer Society. Disabled Children of The Lighthouse School will also be involved. It is a way to integrate the dogs with the community making them useful and at the same time more valuable. As trained dogs they become more adoptable, perhaps even being adopted by program volunteers. It brings comfort to those that are outside the mainstream of society. We welcome those that have dogs already that would like to volunteer their time to this cause.
Please contact Carol Johnson (program coordinator) at 928-2433, Kenneth Morgan (dog trainer) at 916-2075, or The Humane Society at 949-1461 for more information.
Seniors for Seniors
(Under Construction)
We hold many events throughout the year, including our Annual Gala, Dog Shows, Yappy Hours, Petapalooza, a Kickball Tournament and our ever popular Fashion Show. Watch Ecay for more details!
Cayman Animal Hospital (Dr. Lana Watler and Associates)
394 Crewe Road
Phone: 946-8387
Fax: 946-7387
Emergency Number After Hours: 916-7387
Island Veterinary Services (Dr. Brenda Bush and Associates)
Phone: 949-0787
Fax: 945-4712
Emergency Number After Hours: 916-2459
The Veterinary Clinic and Specialty Boarding (Dr. Alfred Benjamin)
Countryside Village Centre – Savannah
Phone: 926-1242
Pet Grooming:
Animal House (Bark N Call) Mobile Service
243 North Sound Road
Phone: 943-7387
Email: [email protected]
Cayman Pet Paradise Ltd. – Cheval Ranch
46 Ranch Road, Savannah
Phone: 947-1334 or 916-2264
Precious Paws Pampering (mobile pet grooming service)
Phone: 947-2578
Email: [email protected]
Pet Shops:
Animal House
243 North Sound Road
Phone: 943-7387
Email: [email protected]
Nembhard’s Pets
The Village – George Town
Phone: 949-7908
Pet Pros Ltd.
969 Crewe Road
Phone: 943-3333 Fax: 943-3300
Cayman Pet Paradise Ltd. – Cheval Ranch
46 Ranch Road, Savannah
Phone: 947-1334 or 916-2264
The Specialty Pet Boarding and Retail
Countryside Shopping Centre – Savannah
Phone: 926-1242
Pet Cremation Services:
Cayman Pet Paradise Ltd. – Cheval Ranch
46 Ranch Road, Savannah
Phone: 947-1334 or 916-2264
Dog Training:
Cayman Canine Training Services (Kenneth Morgan)
Phone: 916-2075 or 327-1969
Cayman Pet Paradise Ltd. – Cheval Ranch
46 Ranch Road, Savannah
Phone: 947-1334 or 916-2264
Cayman Wildlife Rescue:
Phone: 917-2473
Lost or Missing Animals:
Cayman Islands Humane Society
153 North Sound Rd.
Phone: 949-1461
Email: [email protected]
Department of Agriculture
81 Lottery Rd. in Lower Valley
Phone: 947-3090
Fax: 345-947-2634
Picking Up a Found Pet
The Department of Agriculture has set times for visiting or picking up pets from their shelter. The best thing to do is to physically go to the shelter and look for your animal during visiting hours.
Visiting hours are: Monday – Friday 12:00 pm – 12:30pm and 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm.
There is a fee of $25.00 and $10.00 per day for each day the dog that is retrieved from their shelter which is located on the first dirt road off Agricola Drive - The Shelter is at the end of the road. If the gates are locked, go to the main office.
St. Matthews School of Veterinary Medicine (lost and found pets):
This is a permanent identification which is an electronic chip inserted under the skin of your pet. Microchips are proving to be particularly useful in returning animals home and are administered by a veterinarian. Make sure you register your microchip number with the company. The Department Of Agriculture and local veterinary clinics can microchip your animal.
Pet Passport:
If you travel with your pet in and out of the Cayman Islands, more than twice a year, it is highly advisable to obtain a Cayman Islands Pet Passport. This is not an EU Pet Passport and is only valid with travel to and from the Cayman Islands. Although one still must obtain a health certificate, one does not have to obtain the export and import permit for each trip. The cost of the passport is CI$150 per passport and forms are available from the Department of Agriculture. You will need two passport size photographs of your pet and the completed forms to apply.
Rabies Free:
The Cayman Islands is rabies free and if one wishes to travel with their dog please call the Department of Agriculture for the Rabies Protocol. When importing or exporting an animal, please contact the Department of Agriculture for full requirements.
Licensing your dog is the Law! You can register your dog at the Department of Agriculture or at the Humane Society. Licensing is quick and simple and allows the DOA or Humane Society to contact owners, if their dog is picked up. The Licenses are free!
Pet owners are required by law to have their animals on a lead and to pick up and dispose of any fouling. "Poop and Scoop!"
P.O. Box 1167, 153 Nth Sound Rd. Grand Cayman KY1-1103, Cayman Islands
Main Office
11:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday.
11:00am - 4:00pm Saturday.
9:00 am - 12.00 pm for dog walking Sunday.
Book Loft Opening Times
Monday - 12:30pm - 4pm
Tuesday - 9am - 4.00pm
Wednesday - 9am - 4pm
Thursday - 9am - 7:30 (Closed - 4:00 - 5:30)
Friday - 9am - 4pm
Saturday - 9am - 5pm
Sunday - CLOSED
Thrift Store Opening Times
Monday - Friday | 10am - 5pm
Saturday | 9am - 4pm
Currently Closed – Back Soon!