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Cayman Sports Ltd.

Cardio Tennis


Location: Grand Cayman Beach Suites Gym
  Also available for sessions at your hotel or residence.
Rates: $65CI per sessions, $60 per session for a block of ten.
Instructors: Harriet, Tamer Email: [email protected]

What is Personal Training?

Our Personal Trainers will provide a program specifically designed for each client based on their individual profile including age, exercise fitness levels and goals.

Your progress is under continual review to make sure your body positively and healthily adapts to the program. When you reach your exercise plateau your trainer will redesign your workout so that your program remains fresh, challenging, keeps you interested and keeps your muscles “ confused”.


Cayman Sports Ltd has three trainers with a combined 30 years of experience in personal training and will help their clients reach all of their fitness goals. Their expertise ensures you receive an extremely effective exercise program to optimize time and energy and to ensure you get maximum results

Is Personal Training Right for you?

If you are looking to:

  • lose weight
  • reduce fat
  • increase strength, energy and stamina
  • build muscle
  • relieve stress
  • increase your cardio levels
  • sport specific training
  • or just get active again
    then Lori and Harriet are the perfect trainers to guide and motivate you

Remember that the most significant part of your workout is those last few reps that you really have to force out against your will. Most of us cannot do that by ourselves however a trainer will push you through your own physical and mental barriers which leads to both surprising and pleasing results.


Our trainers are based at the Grand Cayman Beach Suites gym but are also available for private sessions at your residence or office.

Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)