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Door Tek Ltd. - Photo10
Door Tek Ltd.

I would recommend Mr. Hislop of Door Tek to anyone who needs a door.  He was friendly and helpful.  He provided us with beautiful choices and allowed us to take all the time we needed choosing just the right door.  When installing, his staff were efficient and neat.  The finished product was and is gorgeous.  Many of the couples I marry have come through our beautiful door and admired it! I am so glad we had Door Tek take care of everything for us; they were just the right company for the job.

Mrs. Francine Jackson, Civil Registrar of Marriages

“ Mr. Philip Hislop and his team at Doortek are keenly focused on being customer centric. I have used their services on a number of occasions, and had a very pleasant and usual encounter which exemplifies absolute customer service sensitivity. This involved the front door at my primary residence. The Doortek team were not 100% satisfied with the finished product, and being concerned about the importance and prominence of a front door, they remedied the situation to my full satisfaction..and at their cost. No arguments, just an absolute commitment to customer satisfaction and unrivaled quality”

Mario E. Ebanks, MBA Premier Solutions Group

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