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Morritts Resorts



Morritt's Island Dream

US$ 1425.00

The services of a minister

A Cayman marriage license

A basic tropical wedding bouquet and boutonniere

A Bottle of Sparkling wine


Morritt's Paradise Wedding

US$ 2500.00

The services of a minister

A Cayman marriage license

A bridal bouquet and boutonniere

A Bottle of Champagne

1 hour photographer, a 7×7 photo book, low & high resolution CD


Morritt's Grand Wedding

US$ 3500.00

The services of a minister

A Cayman marriage license

A bridal bouquet and boutonniere

A Bottle of Champagne

Wedding Arch

Wedding Cake

Photographer (2 hour including Digital Images on a CD)


Additional Wedding Services

A La Carte Wedding services

Create your own unique wedding package with the assistance of our a la carte services and an experienced wedding coordinator:


Musical Accompaniment

Floral Centerpieces

Décor Additional

Caribbean Steel Band

Catering services


(We can provide you with additional information and fee for the above options)


Cayman Islands Requirements

Both the Bride and Groom must be in the country for 1 working day, prior to the ceremony.

The minimum age of legal marriage in the Cayman Islands is 16, however, anyone under 18 must have consent if he or she has not been married before.

Both parties must have valid passports or certified copies of birth certificates along with photo identification.

If either party is divorced that party must have a decree absolute plus a notarized translation if the document is not in English.

If either party is widowed that party must have a copy of the death certificate of the deceased spouse.

Both parties must have Cayman Islands international embarkation /disembarkation card or ship’s boarding pass;

All marriages must be attended by a marriage officer and by two other witnesses.

Marriages must take place between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Note that liquor licensing laws state that live music must not be played on Sunday in places licensed to sell alcoholic beverages.

Get in Touch

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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)