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Rite Start Daycare & Preschool
Rite Start Daycare & Preschool
Rite Start Daycare & Preschool
Rite Start Daycare & Preschool
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RiteStart Daycare & Preschool

Our mission is to provide a comfortable learning environment with the highest standards of care and well being for those entrusted to us.

At Rite Start Daycare & Preschool we believe that:

  1. God the creator made everyone unique in his own likeness. Therefore, we will consistently teach each child spiritual and moral values which are essential in molding them for the future.
  2. Every child can and must learn, hence, we will ensure that each child is fostered in a stimulating surrounding.

Some of the most important skills a child can develop here are:

  1. Good interaction skills
    • Communicating
    • Caring for others
    • Respect for themselves, others, property, and their environment
  2. Good self concept
    • Creativity
    • Confidence in self
    • Verbal expression
  3. Self-help skills
    • Dressing self
    • Cleaning up after self
    • Personal hygiene
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We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)