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Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy Commercial
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Valu-Med Pharmacy
Promotion - Valu-Med Pharmacy


A great smile is one of your most important assets. 90% of people say that your smile is the first thing they notice about you. A healthy smile will improve your confidence, help you make friends and help you succeed in your career. A brighter, healthy smile can transform your life!

Our process is safe and effective, but must importantly, gives you natural-looking instant results at a GREAT PRICE.

How White will my teeth get?

A single treatment can brighten the color of your teeth as much as 2 to 4 shades in an amazing 15 minutes. A 30 minute double treatment can result in a 4 to 8 shade whitening. Both treatments work best on natural teeth and depend on your level of use of staining agents like wine, coffee and tobacco.

Get in Touch

Got a Question?

We're here to help. Send us an email or call us at (345) 947-ECAY (3229)