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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands

BIG events lead to BIG things!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands raises a large proportion of its annual operating revenue through special fundraising events. These events give YOU the opportunity to have a great time while positively impacting children in need right here in the Cayman Islands.

A fun and funky fundraiser for the whole family, Cayman’s best restaurants come together to support BBBS of the Cayman Islands in its annual Soup-er Bowl.  Restaurants prepare and serve their best soup in an effort to earn bragging rights and the coveted title of the Cayman Islands Soup-er Bowl Champion.  Event attendees sample soup from each restaurant and cast their vote for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.  All proceeds go directly to BBBS.

For participation details, contact BBBS on (345) 945-6315 or email [email protected] .


Cayman’s premier jazz and fashion event, BBBS Jazz & Fashion is a trendy affair that mixes explosive, energetic and exciting jazz melodies with appetizing samplers and high fashion. BBBS partners with some of the top restaurant and fashion retailers in the Cayman Islands, plus models from all echelons of Cayman’s corporate community to bring you this most elegant event.

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