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Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands


It’s not just a donation. It’s an investment in a child’s future.
When you donate online to Big Brothers Big Sisters, you join our cause and directly support children in your community. No matter how little or big the amount, donating can start making a difference in the lives of young people around you.

Donating pays dividends.
Research shows that our mentoring works. Children with a Big Brother or Big Sister show real differences in their personal and academic lives. They are more confident in their schoolwork performance, they get along better with their families and they’re 52% less likely to skip school.1

Your support goes far.
Your financial support helps us provide our programs and services nationally —so we can develop more college grads, community leaders and entrepreneurs. Your financial support starts lots of things, like:
• recruiting new Big Brother and Big Sister volunteers
• covering the costs of background checks, while ensuring trained professionals match Littles to responsible Bigs
• enabling ongoing supervision and relationship support for every Big, Little and Little’s family
• providing cultural and social activities to enrich the opportunities for children
For more information about supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters financially , please contact Marilyn Connolly at [email protected] or 945-6315.



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